SDAAFE Newsletter April 2018
Summary Fundraising for Summer Stephan Held Fundraising for John Chiang Held Voter’s Guide Discussion in May 2018 Mayoral Award Update About SDAAFE Fundraising for Summer Stephan Held On April 7th SDAAFE held a fundraising event for Summer Stephan. According to the incomplete count data from Summer’s campaign office, the event attracted donations from about […]

2018 San Diego API Mayoral Student Recognition Award Winners
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAFE) and Alliance of Chinese Americans of San Diego (ACA) jointly announce and congratulate the recipients and runner-ups of the 2018 Mayor’s Student Recognition Award: Award Recipients: Angela Liu, Annie Lu, Jacqueline Tong, Ethan Wang Runner-ups: Perry S. Chen, Karen Ting, Stephen Young, Emily Zhang Student Bios: […]

SDAAFE endorses Bob Huff for Congress
“We are pleased to announce our endorsement of Bob Huff for congress. We have known Mr. Huff since 2014, he is a true believer in leveling playing field such that everybody has equal opportunities to compete, which is in line with what SDAAFE advocates.”, said Frank Xu, co-founder and board member of SDAAFE. Mr. Huff […]

SDAAFE endorses Bonnie Dumanis for San Diego County Supervisor
San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAFE) decides to endorse Bonnie Dumanis for San Diego County Supervisor. “We are pleased to announce our endorsement of Bonnie Dumanis for the board of supervisors. Based on her excellent local public service record, SDAAFE believes that Mrs. Dumanis will be an effective leader on the Board of Supervisors on […]