
各位亲爱的圣地亚哥亚裔平权会 的会员朋友们:

平权会一直在关注Peter Liang 的案件进展。在了解越来越多的具体细节之后,所有的证据都表明这是一起意外的悲剧。我们认为对梁警官的6项指控,包括二等谋杀,对于一名忠于职守的新警官来说,实在过于严厉了。对他的指控更多是出于政治目的的驱动,而不是公平中立的司法行为。


1 在脸书上点赞 like Free Peter Liang (https://www.facebook.com/FreePeterLiang )
2 加入 “帮助梁警官” 微信群
3 打电话给 布鲁克林 地区检察官 Ken Thompson (718-250-2340) 表达你们的意见和看法 (Thompson 的电子邮件 未知)
4 电邮 Borough President of Brooklyn, NYC Eric L Adams ([email protected] ),表达你们反对Ken Thompson 作出的决定
5 电邮 纽约市委会一区 Margaret Chin ([email protected] ) ,表达你们对她在证据还没有完备之前就武断对梁警官起诉的不满
6 电邮 Cathy Dang at CAAAV ( [email protected] ), 表达你们对她在证据尚未充足之前就武断下结论的不满
7 给 纽约警察局 commissioner William J. Bratton 留在线短信 online message (http://www.nyc.gov/html/mail/html/mailnypd.html ) ,表达你们对梁警官和其同事冒生命危险,维护公众安全的支持。同时也表达你们对司法公正的支持。
8 电邮 NYCPBA President Patrick J. Lynch ( [email protected] ), 表达你们对梁警官和其同事冒生命危险,维护公众安全的支持。同时也表达你们对司法公正的支持。


圣地亚哥亚裔平权会 之宗旨,就是为亚裔争取平等权益。我们热切期望得到您的大力支持



1. 梁警官案: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Akai_Gurley.

2. 电话给 布鲁克林 地区检察官 Ken Thompson.

“Hi, Mr. Thompson, my name is _______. I would like to leave you a message regarding your recent decision to indict New York Police Officer Peter Liang. I have been closely following the case. I am deeply troubled by your decision and I am strongly against it. All evidence point to an unfortunate tragic accident. I believe Officer Liang is used as a scapegoat by you and the indictment is politically motivated. The vast majority in the Asian American Community are rallying against your unjustified indictment. As an elected District Attorney by the public, you are responsible to apply the laws impartially. Now we are deeply concerned of your track record in this regard. Please do the right thing and withdraw the indictment against Officer Liang. Thank you.”

3. 电邮纽约 Margaret Chin 或 Ms. Cathy Dang at CAAAV

“Dear _____________, I have been closely following the news about Officer Peter Liang’s incident. All evidence point to an unfortunate tragic accident. I am deeply troubled by your presumptuous call for the indictment of Liang before evidence was presented to public.

Therefore, I’d like to know why you support the indictment. Could you tell me what facts you have reviewed that made you to arrive at the decision to support the indictment of Officer Liang? What is your information source? Did you talk to the police station or Liang’s boss? Was there any evidence to support your opinion?

While I am against police brutality, I am also against presumptuous accusation of police brutality without evidence. I’d like to stress that, based on evidence, I believe Officer Liang should not be indicted. I am deeply disappointed at your statement.”

4. 电邮纽约警察局 commissioner or NYCPBA President

“Dear _____________, I have been closely following the news about Officer Peter Liang’s incident. All evidence point to an unfortunate tragic accident. I believe Officer Liang should not be indicted.

If in any case a police officer should be given benefit of doubts, this case of Officer Peter Liang is the classic case.

I strongly support fairness and justice for Officer Liang and all other on-duty police officers who risk their own lives on a daily basis. Thank you.”




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