Rancho Penasquitos的 Town Council即将在5月2日迎来新一届的选举。Jing (Jessica) Xu 是我们圣地亚哥唯一的华人政治组织SDAAFE的重要成员。她一直致力于争取和维护华人的平等权益, 致力于学区建设,不久前在上届镇议会的特别选举中因为长期的社区服务经历而被指定填补空缺,成为镇议员。现在Jessica正式寻求连任,圣地亚哥平权会宣布全力支持,也呼吁华人社区一起来支持她,为华人参政, 为积极服务社区的华人获得服务大家的机会!
候选人: Jing (Jessica) Xu
时间: 本周六 5月2日 10am – 4pm
投票地点: Penasquitos Fiesta 盛会, PQ Town Council Booth 投票站, 位于Black Mountain Rd 的 Vons shopping center前面
投票人: 所有Penasquito 居民
选举详情: http://www.rpcouncil.com/fiesta/
Dear friends,
As a resident in Rancho Penasquitos for more than 3 years, I enjoy the community and would love to help keeping our community great. I am a biotech professional with more than 17 years of experience in both research and management consulting and a doctorate degree from Yale University. As an active volunteer and leader in community services, I serve as a current board member at the San Diego Asian Americans for Equality, a former board member at the Yale Club of San Diego and a current PTA member at Park Village Elementary. My primary interest as a town council will be health, education and public safety.
Please feel free to forward to your friends and families in PQ. All residents in Rancho Penasquitos are eligible to vote.
I look forward to your vote.
Jing(Jessica) Xu