- 平权会年度换届选举举行
- 平权会为邦妮•杜马尼斯竞选郡长背书
- 平权会为鲍勃•哈夫竞选国会议员背书
- 亚太裔岛民美国公共事务协会(APAPA)提供的实习生信息
- 乔尔安德森(Joel Anderson)州参议员提供的奖学金信息
“我们很高兴能为邦妮·杜马尼斯(Bonnie Dumanis)竞选圣地亚哥郡长背书。基于她在本地长期为公众服务的优秀业绩,杜马尼斯夫人对圣地亚哥当下面临的一些最重大的挑战具有独到的见解,作为下一任圣地亚哥郡长,平权会相信她能迅速有效地担负起领导责任。“ 平权会会长何雄介绍说。
平权会联系方式:圣地亚哥亚裔平权会会长Shawn He,电话:8587616669,电邮:[email protected]
“我们很高兴能为鲍勃·哈夫(Bob Huff)竞选国会议员背书。我们自2014年开始就开始和哈弗先生打交道了,他真正相信政府应该给所有人创造平等的机会,而这也正是平权会一直以来所倡导的。“ 平权会创始人之一,理事徐佶翮介绍说。
平权会联系方式:圣地亚哥亚裔平权会会长Shawn He,电话:8587616669,电邮:[email protected]
Solano County Summer 2018
Internship Program
Application Deadline:
February 28, 2018
Download Application here
Texas Capitol Summer
Internship Program
Application Deadline:
March 1, 2018
Download Application here
California State Capitol
Summer 2018
Internship Program
Application Deadline:
March 9, 2018
Download Application here
Tri-Valley Summer 2018
College Leadership and Internship Program
Application Deadline:
March 31, 2018
Download Application here
乔尔安德森(Joel Anderson)州参议员提供的奖学金信息
Local Scholarships
Search College Board for Scholarships
Nursing.org Scholarship Database
MastersInNursing.net Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants
Name: The Magi Foundation Film Festival
Website: http://bit.ly/2Ebc2ir
Amount: $1,500
Deadline: January 15, 2018
Name: UNCF STEM Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2AFGdxy
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: January 16, 2018
Name: California Assn. of Collectors Educational Scholarship
Website: http://www.cacesf.org/rules_app.html
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: January 20, 2018
Name: CIF Spirit of Sport Award
Website: http://bit.ly/2a4sYMY
Amount: $500
Deadline: January 22, 2018
Name: Military Order of the Purple Heart
Website: http://bit.ly/2CYB8lw
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: January 26, 2018
Name: Business Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
Website: https://themortgagereports.com/scholarship/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: January 29, 20018
Name: Northwestern Mutual Childhood Cancer Survivor Scholarship
Website: http://scholarsapply.org/nmsurvivors
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: January 30, 2018
Name: Golden 1 Credit Union Scholarship
Website: https://www.golden1.com/Scholarships/default
Amount: $1,000 – $5,000
Deadline: January 31, 2018
Name: National Debt Relief Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2CKlvAq
Deadline: January 31, 2018
Name: Beatrice F. Kroesche Fund Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2CWeObY
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: January 31, 2018
Name: CMC-S Grant Scholarship
Website: http://cmc-math.org/members/south_grant.html
Amount: Up to $2,000
Deadline: January 31, 2018
Name: I Have A Dream Scholarship
Website: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/i-have-a-dream-scholarship
Amount: $1,500
Deadline: January 31, 2018
Name: The San Diego Foundation Common Scholarship
Website: http://www.sdfoundation.org/Scholarships/ForStudents.aspx
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Name: Rent-A-Center Make A Difference Scholarship
Website: https://www.scholarsapply.org/makeadifference/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Name: Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship
Website: http://www.jackierobinson.org/apply/applicants/
Amount: Up to $30,000
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Name: California Strawberry Growers’ Fund Scholarship
Website: http://www.californiastrawberries.com/scholarships
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Name: Clair A. Hill Scholarship
Website: https://www.acwa.com/about/scholarships/clair-a-hill-scholarship/
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: February 1, 2018
Name: Latina Leadership Network Scholarship
Website: http://llnccc.org/student-scholarships/
Amount: $500
Deadline: February 2, 2018
Name: Benjamin and Patricia Allen Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2CFKGUN
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 2, 2018
Name: Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards Scholarship
Website: http://www.elks.org/scholars/scholarships/legacy.cfm
Amount: $4,000
Deadline: February 2, 2018
Name: Southern California Mothers of Multiple Clubs, Inc. Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2jWDN4v
Amount: $1,500
Deadline: February 5, 2018
Name: PG&E Better Together STEM Scholarship
Website: https://scholarsapply.org/pge/
Amount: Up to $10,000
Deadline: February 5, 2018
Name: L. Gordon Bittle Memorial Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2CL48iI
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: February 8, 2018
Name: ARRL Foundation Scholarship
Website: http://www.arrl.org/scholarship-program
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: February 15, 2018
Name: Church’s Chicken Community Scholarship
Website: http://www.churchspartners.org/churchs-scholarships
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: February 15, 2018
Name: A Sustainable Future Through Solar Energy Scholarship
Website: https://www.sullivansolarpower.com/scholarships
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: February 15, 2018
Name: Costa Rican Vacations Scholarship
Website: http://www.vacationscostarica.com/about-us/scholarships/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: February 15, 2018
Name: AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2AwdolI
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: February 15, 2018
Name: Scholarship for Military Children
Website: http://militaryscholar.org/sfmc/
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: February 16, 2018
Name: Military Commanders’ Scholarship Fund
Website: http://sms.scholarsapply.org/militarycommanders/
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: February 16, 2018
Name: UNCF – Anthem Corporate Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2lXffe8
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: February 17, 2018
Name: Bobette Bibo Gugliotta Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing
Website: https://www.siliconvalleycf.org/scholarships/gugliotta
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: February 21, 2018
Name: Brad Fowler Memorial Scholarship
Website: http://www.sdhoc.com/community/brad-fowler-memorial-scholarship
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: February 23, 2018
Name: Kuen and Allen Chin Scholarship Application
Website: http://asianpacificfund.org/what-we-do/scholarships/apply-for-scholarship/#chin
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: February 23, 2018
Name: Banatao Family Filipino American Education Fund
Website: http://asianpacificfund.org/what-we-do/scholarships/apply-for-scholarship/#banatao
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: February 24, 2018
Name: Sweet and Simple Scholarship
Website: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/sweet-and-simple-scholarship
Amount: $1,500
Deadline: February 28, 2018
Name: Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance Scholarship
Website: https://www.afwasandiego.org/scholarships/
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 28, 2018
Name: Cyberbullying Prevention for Teens
Website: https://www.parentinn.com/scholarship/
Amount: $1,250
Deadline: February 28, 2018
Name: Future Educators Scholarship Program
Website: http://www.sdef.org/programs/futureeducatorscholars.html
Amount: Varies
Deadline: February 28, 2018
Name: Household Quotes Scholarship
Website: https://householdquotes.co.uk/scholarship/
Amount: $1,250
Deadline: February 28, 2018
Name: Association of California Water Agencies Scholarship
Website: http://www.acwa.com/content/scholarships/scholarships
Amount: $3,500
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: Anchor Scholarship Foundation
Website: http://bit.ly/2CXtoAg
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: CAS Trust Scholarship Program
Website: http://bit.ly/2EaxjJ7
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Website: https://www.mcsf.org/scholarship/
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: James Madison Memorial Fellowship Scholarship
Website: https://www.scholarsapply.org/jamesmadison/
Amount: $24,000
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: Deana’s Wish Memorial Scholarship
Website: http://www.dlhfoundation.org/scholarship
Amount: Up to $2,000
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: AAUW Re-Entry Woman Scholarship
Website: http://powayarea-ca.aauw.net/re-entry-woman-scholarship/
Amount: $1,800
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: Change a Life Foundation
Website: http://changealife.org/scholarship-program/
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: Charlotte Mousel Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2mj0aE3
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 1, 2018
Name: San Diego County Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation
Website: http://sdccsf.org/applicants/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: March 2, 2018
Name: Middle Class Scholarship
Website: http://www.csac.ca.gov/mcs.asp
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: March 2, 2018
Name: Martin Luther King Choir Grant
Website: http://mlkccsd.org/grants.html
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 5, 2018
Name: Fontana Transport Inc. Scholarship
Website: https://www.fontanatransportincscholarsprogram.com/scholarship-requirements
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: March 14, 2018
Name: AFSA High School Essay Contest
Website: http://bit.ly/2CFJlNL
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: March 15, 2018
Name: WSCGA Foundation Scholarship
Website: http://www.wscgafoundation.com/scholarships.php
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 15, 2018
Name: The Rybak Firm Scholarship
Website: https://getlegal.nyc/scholarship/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: March 15, 2018
Name: (ISC)2 Foundation Women’s Cybersecurity Scholarship
Website: https://isc2foundationscholarships.communityforce.com/Login.aspx
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: March 15, 2018
Name: Heroes Legacy Scholarship
Website: http://militaryscholar.org/legacy/index.html
Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 16, 2018
Name: Jeffrey D. Sollender College Scholarship
Website: https://jcfsandiego.org/young-adults/jeffreydsollenderscholarship/
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: March 19, 2018
Name: ESA Youth Scholarship
Website: http://esaweb.org/Programs/Youth-Scholarship
Amount: Up to $7,500
Deadline: March 25, 2018
Name: CVS Pharmacy, INC: Business Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2hMXKsQ
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: March 30, 2018
Name: Army Nurse Corps Association
Website: https://e-anca.org/scholarships
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: March 31, 2018
Name: The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Scholarship
Website: http://www.mesothelioma.com/scholarship/
Amount: $4,000
Deadline: March 31, 2018
Name: Cognizant Accelerate Diversity Scholarship
Website: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RBYVD7Q
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: March 31, 2018
Name: The Superpower Scholarship
Website: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/superpower-scholarship
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: March 31, 2018
Name: College Success Scholarship
Website: https://study.com/blog/college-success-scholarship-by-study-com.html
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: April 1, 2018
Name: Study.com Scholarship for Military Veterans
Website: https://study.com/pages/Scholarship_for_Military_Veterans.html
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: April 1, 2018
Name: Directed Energy Professional Society Scholarship
Website: http://www.deps.org/DEPSpages/scholarships.html
Amount: Varies
Deadline: April 1, 2018
Name: R.A. Rearwin Scholarship Fund
Website: http://sandiegoairandspace.org/education/scholarship/r.-a.-rearwin-scholarship-fund
Amount: $2,500 – $4,000
Deadline: April 1, 2018
Name: Brian Graves Memorial Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2m3cvwu
Amount: Varies
Deadline: April 1, 2018
Name: Good Colleges Scholarship – Study Hard Challenge
Website: https://goodcolleges.online/study-hard-challenge/
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: April 1, 2018
Name: Deputy Sheriff’s Association of San Diego Line of Duty Scholarships
Website: http://www.dsasd.org/scholarships
Amount: $4,000
Deadline: April 2, 2018
Name: American Indian Education Fund (Undergraduate and Graduate)
Website: http://bit.ly/2m4txdX
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: April 4, 2018
Name: San Diego Farm Bureau
Website: http://www.sdfarmbureau.org/AgintheClassroom/Scholarships.php
Amount: Up to $5,000
Deadline: April 9, 2018
Name: American Legion Legacy Scholarship
Website: https://www.legion.org/scholarships/legacy
Amount: Varies
Deadline: April 9, 2018
Name: AFSA High School Senior Scholarship Contest
Website: http://www.afsascholarship.org/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: April 12, 2018
Name: College JumpStart Scholarship
Website: http://www.jumpstart-scholarship.net/application-us
Amount: Up to $1,500
Deadline: April 15, 2018
Name: Ladies Auxiliary of the Fleet Reserve Association Scholarship
Website: http://www.la-fra.org/LA-FRA-Scholarship Application.pdf
Amount: Varies
Deadline: April 15, 2018
Name: Lapiz Family Scholarship
Website: http://asianpacificfund.org/what-we-do/scholarships/apply-for-scholarship/#lapiz
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: April 20, 2018
Name: Voya Unsung Heroes (Scholarship for Educators)
Website: https://www.scholarsapply.org/unsungheroes/
Amount: Up to $25,000
Deadline: April 30, 2018
Name: All About Education Scholarship
Website: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/all-about-education-scholarship
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: April 30, 2018
Name: BioWorks IPM/Sustainable Practices Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2CNAyKc
Amount: $4,000
Deadline: May 1, 2018
Name: HealthcareSystemCareersEDU.org’s Academic Scholarship
Website: https://www.healthcaresystemcareersedu.org/healthcare-education-scholarship/
Amount: $500
Deadline: May 1, 2018
Name: Hsiao Memorial Social Sciences Scholarship
Website: http://asianpacificfund.org/what-we-do/scholarships/apply-for-scholarship/#hsiao
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: May 14, 2018
Name: Nordson BUILDS Scholarship Program Scholarship
Website: http://www.nordson.com/en/our-company/community/nordson-builds-scholarship-program
Amount: Up to $10,000
Deadline: May 15, 2018
Name: Ayn Rand Essay Contest
Website: https://www.aynrand.org/students/essay-contests#atlasshrugged-1
Amount: Up to $10,000
Deadline: May 15, 2018
Name: AAA Paver Sealing Student Scholarship
Website: http://www.aaapaversealing.com/scholarship-program/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: May 15, 2018
Name: B. Davis Scholarship
Website: http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: May 22, 2018
Name: Ampronix College Scholarship
Website: https://www.ampronix.com/ampronix-college-scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,000
Deadline: May 31, 2018
Name: 1st-Art-Gallery.com Annual Art and Design Scholarship
Website: https://www.1st-art-gallery.com/scholarship.html
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: May 31, 2018
Name: Dorothy and Robert DeBolt Scholarship
Website: http://www.lilliput.org/scholarship-applications
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: May 31, 2018
Name: Christian College Scholarship
Website: https://christianconnector.com/Christiancollegesform.cfm?adref=vhm-US
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: May 31, 2018
Name: Azazie Scholarship
Website: https://www.azazie.com/scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: May 31, 2018
Name: Athletic Sports Recruiting Scholarship
Website: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/scholarship-contest.htm
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: June 1, 2018
Name: Raoul Teilhet Continuing College Students Scholarship
Website: http://cft.org/member-services/scholarships/raoul-teilhet-scholarships.html
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: July 1, 2018
Name: The American Legion Baseball Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2qq973s
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: July 15, 2018
Name: CHCC CAPS Young Professionals Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2m3c6tX
Amount: $3,000
Deadline: June 15, 2018
Name: 2017 Typology Central Personality Type Scholarship
Website: http://www.typologycentral.com/forums/scholarship.php
Amount: Up to $2,000
Deadline: June 23, 2018
Name: Good Colleges Scholarship – Healthy America Award
Website: https://goodcolleges.online/healthy-america-award/
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: August 1, 2018
Name: Tutor the People Pre-Med Scholarship
Website: https://tutorthepeople.com/test-prep/mcat/#scholarships
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: August 1, 2018
Name: Scholarship for the Promotion of Animal Welfare and Protect Wildlife 2018
Website: https://best1x.com/best1x-scholarship/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: September 1, 2018
Name: Good Colleges Scholarship – Study Abroad Award
Website: https://goodcolleges.online/study-abroad-award/
Amount: $2,000
Deadline: November 1, 2018
Name: Soroptimist Live Your Dream Education and Training Awards for Women Scholarship
Website: http://www.silamesa.org/our-projects/live-your-dream-award/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: November 15, 2018
Name: The Power to Grow Scholarship
Website: https://bloomsybox.com/scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: November 16, 2018
Name: Our World-Underwater Society Rolex Scholarship
Website: http://bit.ly/2CsYtKP
Amount: $25,000
Deadline: December 1, 2018
Name: Thanks a Billion Scholarship
Website: https://www.cappex.com/scholarship/listings/thanks-a-billion-scholarship/-s-d-50067/
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: December 31, 2018
Name: UNIGO $10K Scholarship
Website: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/unigo-10k-scholarship
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: December 31, 2018
Name: Groza Learning Center 2018 Scholarship
Website: http://grozagivesback.com/
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: December 31, 2018
Name: Missing in History
Website: https://www.dosomething.org/us/campaigns/missing-history
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: December 31, 2018
Name: Varsity Tutors Scholarship
Website: https://www.varsitytutors.com/college-scholarship
Amount: $200
Deadline: Varies
Name: CLA Scholarship for Minority Students In Memory of Edna Yelland
Website: http://www.cla-net.org/?page=110
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: Unspecified
Name: Ashbrook Scholar Program
Website: http://bit.ly/2qvQwTK
Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Name: Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation
Website: http://www.cksf.org/index.cfm?Page=Scholarships
Amount: $250 – $2,500
Deadline: Unspecified
Name: Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund
圣地亚哥亚裔平权会创建于2014年反对SCA5时期,通过与本地议员沟通、征集签名等行动与其它兄弟组织一起成功阻击了2014年的SCA5,组织过抗议Jimmy Kimmel“杀光中国人”言论游行以及声援Peter Liang警官的活动。