反对ACA 5征集签名需要你的帮助

为什么反对ACA 5

ACA 5提案将修改加州宪法,把一段对各种族、性别平等保护的文字去掉,这就导致了加州未来在政府工作、大学入学、政府合同等方面可以根据种族、肤色、性别来进行区别对待,并且这种明显是种族歧视的区别对待将不再违法。在目前的政治大环境下,会导致对包括亚裔在内的歧视,特别是在大学入学方面的歧视。因此,为了保护全体加州人不再倒退回种族歧视的年代,保护你的孩子,请一定参加这次反对ACA 5签名征集的活动。




根据目前的消息,ACA 5下一个议程是5月27日在Assembly Appropriations Committee讨论,我们希望在20日之前完成签名征集活动,20日到27日进行对相关议员的电话和email行动。我们的目标是在27日的听证会上把签名向相关众议员展示。



目前的居家令给了我们征集签名的便利,因为大家都在家里,都可以联系得上。你可以通过email、短信、微信或者各种即时通信平台与你的朋友进行联络签名事宜。他们同意签名之后可以请他们自己打印、签字然后把签名表格送给你,或者也可以直接扫描之后发送到[email protected],搜集完成后联络平权会理事批量去取。


你可以给自己定一个小目标2-10,即争取拿到两家华人的签名,同时联系十家其他种族的居民签字(拒绝或者接受)。每完成一个小目标就通过这个google form提供一下反馈。这个反馈也非常重要。





尽量不要主动提Affirmative Action这个词,因为这个词的定义非常含混,容易进入概念之争,扯不清楚。




Hello Xxx, how are you doing? I hope you and your family stay healthy and safe.



Do you know that California Assembly are pushing through a bill ACA 5 which is going to allow discrimination / repeal Prop 209 / dividing Californians / cause unfairness? This is really a bad thing to do during the pandemic when we should unite to fight COVID-19. I have to stand up against this bill and am doing a petition drive. Would you please sign the petition to against the bill?

(你可以根据不同的对象在allow discrimination, repeal Prop 209, dividing Californians and cause unfairness当中选一个后果来讲,慢慢摸索看哪个说法效果最好)


第三步,回答提问 (见后面的常见问题FAQ


第四步,如果不同意签名,记得回复Thank you! Not a problem. 如果同意签名,则把签名表格发过去。

This is the petition letter. Would you please print it and sign it? Let me know when I can go pick it up. The organizer will present all petition letters to California Assembly members.








常见问题FAQ 1.0版本,后续会不断更新)

Q: Who organized this petition?

A: San Diego Asian Americans For Equality. It’s an organization started in 2014 and has been very active in the community since then. You can check them out at www.sdaafe.org


Q: Why do you think this bill allows discrimination?

A: ACA 5 removes the following texts from State Consitituion: “The State shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.” When these texts are removed from the Constitution, it means California would allow or even encourage discrimination.


Q: I think Prop 209 is bad because it caused inequality.

A: The inequality has other causes. Repealing Prop. 209 won’t help solve the issue. Instead it will cause more problems and wage wars between different groups.


Q: Why do you think this bill divide Californians?

A: This bill is going to allow public employment, public education and public contract to consider race and gender. If this bill would be passed, people will be divided into different groups and each group will fight for being treated preferentially.


Q: Why do you think this bill will cause unfairness?

A: When gender and race are allowed in public contract, the lowest bidder may not get the government contract, the best student may not get admitted into public colleges. People have no way to change their race to get a government agency job. All these do not seem fair to me.


Q: I believe it’s a good bill to allow Affirmative Action.

A: The phrase Affirmative Action was originated in President Kennedy’s Executive Order 10925 in 1961 and in President Johnson’s Executive Order 11246 in 1965.  The exact original words are:  “Take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.” I believe the ACA 5 is against the Affirmative Action when the bill tries to remove the equal protection clause from the Constitution.


Q: 现在疫情这么严重,搞政治不好吧?

A: 我们也不想搞啊,是加州议会一开始复会就在5月4号把这个提案向前推进,这个时候加州议会本来应该把精力集中在疫后经济恢复上的。他们既然搞了, 我们只能被迫应战啊。


Q: 华人现在这样反对,会不会显得太自私?

A: 这是为了保护所有族群被平等对待,上世纪六十年代的平权运动就是要求美国不能种族歧视,不能用肤色、种族来评判一个人。我们反对ACA 5就是坚持不搞种族歧视,各种族平等对待的理念。


Q: 有没有其他种族的支持啊?

A: 更多的组织(包括亚裔和非亚裔)正在加入到这个行动中,我们将不断更新反对ACA 5的组织和重要成员名单。但是我们现在不能等。


Q: 我签过网络签名了,不用再签这个了。

A: 网络签名简单但是由于太过容易,且很多人都可以多次签名,因此网络签名并不能代表民意,因此也不能获得议员的重视。带地址的正式签名是可以得到议员重视的重要方式。我们将在下一次州议会听证ACA 5的时候象所有议员展示我们的签名,并拿着这些签名跟本地的众议员参议员施压。2014年SCA5的时候,这个方法被证明是行之有效的。





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